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Featured Artist: Renel Vital – What you can accomplish in a year!

Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2013
Artist: Renel Vital – What you can accomplish in a year
Artist Page: http://innerglobeentertainment.com

In case you've forgotten, it was exactly one year ago today that we featured Renel Vital here on our Blog. Renel has accomplished an inspiring amount of tasks in the past year including the release of his debut album I'm Mr. Dax, worked with incredibly talented 3D Animator, Andrew Williamson of Lone Fort Games to create absolutely fantastic graphics, released two websites (pictured above) and has started a Facebook page and YouTube Channel!

Renel is never thrown by bumps in the road, he simply goes around them with endless creativity and comes out on the other side with twice the knowledge and excitement.

“A year later from the first blog interview, I recognize more of my potential in producing artistic projects. I plan on working with more artists to bring stories through several disciplines to the world.”

Official Hink Questionnaire

If you could go anywhere, where would you like to travel?

I would like to travel to Paris.

Who is your biggest artistic inspiration?

KRS One is my biggest artistic inspiration.


What artistic tool could you not live without?

Pen and paper are my necessary tools.

What was your favorite school lunch?

Sloppy joes I miss.

How do you want to be remembered?

I would like to be remembered as someone who brought joy to families through the arts.

I'm telling you, if you want to watch something very cool unfold, follow Renel Vital! Watch his social media pages, his websites and check out his music! You won't be sorry.

Thanks for letting Hink Creations be such a part in this project Renel, we wish you all the luck in the world!