Logo Designs for Sale!!!
Years of identity design projects have resulted in quite the collection of unused concepts. While I strongly believe logos should be built around the business they're representing, it feels like such a waste not to do anything with these "leftover" designs.
Designs are exclusive (only sold once) and will include transfer of copyright and the original artwork in eps, jpg and pdf formats. Once purchased, you will be able to use the logo as you see fit.
Use the form at the bottom of the page to purchase your new logo.
Or if you have something else in mind, go here and let us know what you're looking for.
Logo Pricing = $495
Optional Add-ons
- Font Change $165
- Color Exploration $165
- Stationery Design (Business Card, Letterhead & #10 envelope) $340
1. Homeaway Logo Design
4. Sugary Goodness Logo Design
7. Shipping Company Logo Design
10. Pathways Logo Design
13. Sound Off Blog Logo Design
16. The Makers Logo Design
2. ATC Logo Design
5. Easy Peasy Logo Design
8. Greyson Consulting Logo Design
11. Connected Learning Logo Design
14. Take Note Logo Design
17. New Concepts Logo Design
3. Jackson Work Assoc. Logo Design
6. Zoom Out Logo Design
9. Echo Data Logo Design
12. Harrison Studios Logo Design
15. Just Play Logo Design
18. Sweetest Greens Logo Design